How your hand gestures reveal your thoughts

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In a new podcast episode, a psychologist examines the secret conversations we have through hand gestures.

Language shapes our world. But when we speak, there is actually a secret conversation happening beyond our words. It’s happening not with our mouths—but with our hands.

Professor Susan Goldin-Meadow is a distinguished scholar of psychology at the University of Chicago. Her research into deaf children who were never taught sign language led her to studying why the gestures we do all day may contain more information about our minds than we realize.

Now she’s included all her insights in a new book, Thinking With Your Hands—The Surprising Science Behind How Gestures Shape Our Thoughts (Hachette, 2024).

On this episode of the University of Chicago’s Big Brains podcast, Goldin-Meadow explains her work and sheds light on how our hands reveal our thoughts:

Read the transcript for this episode.

Source: University of Chicago